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CLIMAte change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience

Climate assemblies and Living labs are considered as sustainable and reasonable tools to stimulate deliberative democracy in climate policymaking. The ambition of the CLIMAS project is to support a transformation to climate resilience by offering an innovative problem-oriented climate adaptation toolbox, co-designed together with stakeholders by applying a values-based approach, design thinking methods and citizen science mechanisms.

Project News

Green civic engagement: The role of technology

Recently, the European Policy Centre organised an online Policy Dialogue entitled “Green civic engagement: The role of technology”. The dialogue aimed to discuss ways in which participatory democracy can support […]

An assembly of 100 Catalan citizens

Catalonia also creates a citizens’ assembly

Catalonia launches an assembly of 100 citizens to present a list of proposals to the Govern de la Generalitat to contrast […]

CLIMAS was presented at EU info-session

CLIMAS was presented at the EU info-session in Brussels in 12 October 2023

The National Contact Points (Flanders, Wallonia, Federal and FNRS) co-organised the event ‘Citizen Science in Horizon Europe proposals […]



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