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CLIMAte change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience

Climate assemblies and Living labs are considered as sustainable and reasonable tools to stimulate deliberative democracy in climate policymaking. The ambition of the CLIMAS project is to support a transformation to climate resilience by offering an innovative problem-oriented climate adaptation toolbox, co-designed together with stakeholders by applying a values-based approach, design thinking methods and citizen science mechanisms.



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Project News

Framing Citizen Science for Climate Assemblies

Recently, the CLIMAS project presented a scientific paper titled “Framing Citizen Science for Climate Assemblies” at the SpliTech 2023 Conference, arrived at the 8th edition of the 4-day conference organised […]

We the People. The Raise of Citizens’ Voices

Faced with the disappearance of traditional intermediate bodies, can there be practices and paths to bring citizens closer to institutions? If and under what conditions can democratic innovation narrow the […]

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