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CLIMAte change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience

Climate assemblies and Living labs are considered as sustainable and reasonable tools to stimulate deliberative democracy in climate policymaking. The ambition of the CLIMAS project is to support a transformation to climate resilience by offering an innovative problem-oriented climate adaptation toolbox, co-designed together with stakeholders by applying a values-based approach, design thinking methods and citizen science mechanisms.

Project News

Why should you watch our video?

Today we are thrilled to announce the official launch our first project video!

Why should you watch it?

The CLIMAS project official video has been produced with the cooperation of all our […]

A Climate Assembly in Edermünde

The Climate Assembly in Edermünde took its first steps on 28 and 29 September. 

One in five people in Edermünde, a small community in Hesse with 7400 inhabitants, recently […]

Riga Citizens’ Climate Assembly just kicked off

In this article we announce Riga Citizens’ Climate Assembly kick-off. Translated from the original social media post from Zaļā brīvība reporting on the first CA meeting, which took place on […]



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