CLIMAS intervened during the Peer learning Programme for Charter Signatories, organised by the EU Mission for Adaptation Community of Practice, within the Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt).


On the 2nd of July 2024 CLIMAS project partners were invited to share insights during the EU Mission Adaptation Community of Practice, within the Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt). As part of the MIP4Adapt, the Peer learning Programme for Charter Signatories was launched, to allow members exchange experiences and know-how on topics around climate adaptation. One of the groups focusing on Stakeholder & Citizens engagement invited the Ebre Bioterritori Living Lab, managed by EURECAT, to present their activities and how they coordinate with the Catalan Climate Assembly. The meeting involved 6 local authorities and regions from France, Portugal, Greece, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Austria.

Firstly, Lucia Cristea from EIP introduced the project’s stakeholder engagement strategy and a quick outlook from the first round of surveys distributed in more than 60 European cities. She continued with insights from the 11 representatives of local authorities interviewed.

Right after EIP’s presentation, Julià A. Vicens Bennasar from EURECAT introduced the Citizen Science Toolkit for Climate Assemblies developed by CLIMAS. The co-creation and design thinking approach adopted by the research team ensured a continuous improvement of the Toolkit, supported by the Living Lab activities. Finally the tool was tested in the Chios Living Lab and will be further refined in Riga and Edermünde, where the local Climate Assemblies recently kicked-off.

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Watch the full video here:


Authors: Rebecca Hueting | Deep Blue with input from:

Julian Vicens Bennasar, Ferran Bertomeu Pagà| EURECAT

Iolanda Moldoveanu and Lucia Cristea | EIP

The CLIMAS Project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement N° 101094021. Follow CLIMAS on LinkedInInstagram and X, or subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated with the latest activities!